I regret to inform you that yesterday afternoon I received a call from Skyland Pines concerning our banquet meals. They are no longer able to fulfill all of the meal choices that were previously agreed upon. They will only be offering chicken or vegetarian meals. So, anyone who ordered scrod or roast beef will now be served chicken. The side dishes, drinks, and dessert will remain unchanged.
Definitely not the news I was expecting to hear a day and a half before the banquet. Please keep in mind that our band banquet is a time to recognize the incredible amount of hard work and dedication that your child has shown as a band member this year. We will celebrate many successes tomorrow evening.
Having said that, should you have any questions or concerns with the menu change, please direct them to Skyland Pines.
Doors open at 6pm and dinner is served at 6:30pm with awards following.
Mr. Bleininger