January 26 - Pep Band (Royal Knights game)
January 27 - Pep Band
January 28 - Kent State University All Star Band Performance 7:30pm Cartwright Hall (KSU)
(Congratulations to our 9 band students who have been selected to perform as members of this group!)
February 7 - Louisville Band Booster Meeting 7:00pm in HS band room
February 14 - Pep Band
February 17 - Pep Band
February 18 - District VII Honor Band Performance 7:00pm at Alliance High School
(Congratulations to our 4 band students who have been selected to perform as members of this group!)
March 2 -HS Winter Concert (note date change, was originally scheduled on 2/16) 7:00pm HS auditorium
March 7 - Louisville Band Booster Meeting 7:00pm in HS band room
March 10 or 11 (will let you know when confirmed) District VII Large Group Performance...time TBA
March 18 - Band Festival
Please email Mr. Bleininger with any questions at: [email protected]